Colour Conversion
Centre 4.2b (G. Boronkay)
Use these Excel (XLS) files
for converting colour spaces, and computing chromatic differences. With “Colour Conversion
Centre” you can: -
convert between the most widespread colour models, as: Hex, RGB, HLS (HSL,
HSI), Hunter Lab, CIE Lab, CIE Luv, CIE LCh, standard
Munsell, numbered Munsell. -
calculate several type of chromatic differences (colour distances), as: dE in RGB,
Munsell, CMC; CIE76 (dE76), CIE94 (dE94), CIEDE2000
(dE00) in CIE Lab. -
1000 calculations per worksheet With “Colour Conversion Centre
CIEDE2000” you can: -
calculate CIEDE2000 chromatic
difference (dE00) -
30.000 calculations per worksheet With “Colour Conversion Centre
AutoMatrix” you can: -
calculate CIEDE2000
chromatic differences between two sets of colours -
input: 254 columns and 65533 rows (maximum) -
output: 16.645.382 dE00 matrix (maximum) Download CCC